
BROSSARD, September 17, 2009

Eolectric completes acquisition of Vents du Kempt Inc.

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Vents du Kempt Project's BAPE information period is over

BROSSARD, July 3rd, 2011 – The Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE) information and consultation session for the Vents du Kempt wind farm project ended yesterday. During this period, held from May 17th to July 2nd, 2011, the BAPE released to the public the VDK EIA as well as other reports, essentially the entire file on the project, and held a public information session on June 7th at the Sainte-Marguerite-Marie community center. Forty-seven people were present at the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to inform the public about the project, the environmental impact assessment, the evaluation process, the public consultation process and the BAPE’s mandate

In this 45 day period, any citizen, group, municipality or association can ask the minister of the MDDEP to hold a public hearing. If such a request is made, holding sufficient grounds and justification, the ministry would mandate, during the following weeks, the BAPE to form a commission to investigate further the project and perform more consultations with the population.

About Vents du Kempt:

Vents du Kempt is a 100 MW wind farm project located within the jurisdiction of the municipalities of Saint-Marguerite, Causapscal and Sainte-Florence. The project is scheduled for commercial operation in the fall 2014. VDK will create 150 jobs during its construction and approximately 10 permanent jobs during its operation.

About Vents du Kempt Inc.:

Vents du Kempt Inc. was created in 2004 exclusively for the development of Vents du Kempt wind farm project. It belongs entirely to the Quebec wind farm development society Eolectric Inc.